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1718 Conestoga Assessment

The first assessment in Conestoga township was made in 1718, and shows approximately the names of the heads of families and single men who were then living in what is now the county of Lancaster:

English Inhabitants. (Including also the Welsh, the Scotch-Irish, and a few French.)

Francis Warly.
John Cartedge.
James Hendricks.
James Le Tort (French trader).
James Patterson.
William Sherrel.
John Hendricks.
Collum Macquair.
Thomas Baldwin.
Thomas Gale.
Alexander Beuse.
John McDaniel.
Richard Carter.
John Linvill.
Robert Wilkins.
John Farrer.
John Grist.
William Hughes.
Peter Bezaillon (French trader).
John Comb.
Joseph Roe.
Andrew Mason.
Joseph Hickman. Daniel Cookson.
Thomas Clark.
William Clark.
Stephen Atkinson.
Morgan Jones. Edmund Cartliedge (collector).

John Harriss.
David Priest.
Robert Middleton.
Richard Grice.
Nathaniel Christopher.
Thomas Perrin.
Samuel Birchfield.
William Ludford.
Thomas Wilkins.
James Davis.
Evan Evans.
Thomas Jones.

Dutch Inhabitants( Including a few of the French and also a few names of English-speaking people who lived in the German settlements)

Martin Kendig.
Martin Milin.
Christian Herr.
John Herr.
Wendall Bowman.
Jacob Miller.
Joseph Steman.
Daniel Harmer.
John Miller.
John Funk.
Henry Carpenter.
Henry Haines.
Christopher Franciscus.
Peter Beller.
Benedictus Venerick.
Daniel Ferree.
John Ferree.
Philip Ferree.
Isaac Lefevre.
Richard Davis.
Thomas Falkner.
John Milen.
Hans Haure.
John Taylor.
Martyn Baer.
Immanuel Herr.
Henry Kendig & Son.
Jacob Moyer.
Hans (illegible).
Hans Keage.
Jacob Grider.
Jacob Hostetter.
John Widner.
Andrew Kauffman.
Isaac Kauffman.
John Brubaker.
John Brubaker, Jr.
Jacob Brubaker.
Peter Swarr.
Abraham Herr.
Melchior Erisman.
Christian Hershey & Son.
John (illegible).
Henry Bear.
Michael Bowman.
Hance Burkholder.
Hance Newcomer.
Melchior Brenneman.
George Kendrick.
John (illegible), Jr.
Michael Shank, Jr.
John (illegible), Sr.
Henry Funk.
Benjamin Witmer.
Jacob Landes.
Hance Henry Neff.
Michael Miller.
Felix Landes.
Jacob Kendrick, Jr.
Jacob Landes, Jr.
Martyn Boyer.
Hance Boyer.
John Bowman.
Benedictus Brackbill.
Christian Shank.
Michael Shank, Sr.
John Shank.
Rudy Moyer.
Hance Brand.
Hans Groff, Sr.
Hans Groff, Jr.
Peter Yorte.
Theadorus Ely.
Hans Currick Moyer.
Christian Schaus.
Hans Weaver.
Woolrich Howell.
Peter Laman.

"Non-resident Lands upon the River Pequea."
Name: James Logan     Acres: 1000
Name: Rebecca Shaw  Acres: 300
Name: Elizabeth Pace   Acres: 250
Name: John Marlow     Acres: 250
Name: Thomas Story   Acres: 1768
Name: Abraham Dubois   Acres: 1000
Name: Herman Ritzman   Acres: 1100
Name: Amos Strettle   Acres: 3380
Name: Richard Robinson    Acres: 1000
Name: William Bradford    Acres: 125
Name: Col. John French    Acres: 500
Name: Jeremiah Langhorne    Acres: 350
Name: John Bundile    Acres: 500
Name: Col. John Evans   Acres: 1000

Not more than five of these non-residents moved to the county after this period.