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1722 Assessment - Pequea Township

The township of Pequea (The boundaries of this old township were not clearly defined, but it included the settlements along Pequea Creek and its branches (now in Salisbury township). It is not to be identified in any way with the present township of the same name, which was erected more than one hundred and thirty years later.) was erected in 1721; the following is a list of its taxables, as shown by the assessment-roll for 1722, viz.:

William Richardson. Joseph Richardson. John Barger. John Whiteside. Benjamin Heath. Thomas Clark. Morgan Jones. John Williams. Hugh Thompson. William Clark (collector). Joseph Rowe. Daniel Cookson.

The following came into that township in 1723-24, viz.: Joseph Jerine. Joseph Hickman. Samuel Verner. James Verner.James Galt. John Clemson. James Whitehill. Morgan Brian. Henry Cowen. John Thompson. Samuel Robinson. Isaac Low. John Barnit. William Wilson. David Cowin. John Hastings. James Cole. Fred. Foulk. James Ganston. David Cowyn. William Cowyn. John Miller. Thomas Faulkner. James Mitchell. Thomas Edwards. Samuel Lewis. Caleb Copeland. Joseph Brinton. The non-resident land-holders in this township were: James Logan. Thomas Story. John Moore. James Clemson. Rebecca Shaw. Thomas Hockley.




-History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Everts and Peck, 1883.