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Lancaster Residents Who Served in the French and Indian War

Taken from a paper in the handwriting of Col. James Burd, and given by him to James Irvin, of Dauphin (then Lancaster) County. It is entitled: "A list of officers of the three battalions of the Pennsylvania regiment who served in the former war against the French and Indians on the western frontier, in conjunction with the British and regular forces of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware government, and between the years 1756 and 1763, and who were entitled to a grant of crown lands in America in virtue of the King of England's proclamation of October, 1763." The residence of nearly every officer is given in the original list, and on the back is the following certification:

"The list of the officers of the three battalions of the Pennsylvania regiment of last wars, as they stand on this and the other side, is just & true, to the best of my knowledge, as witness my hand this 1st October, 1783."James Burd." of Lancaster County men who served during the French and Indian war as officers in the battalions above referred to, viz.:

 James Burd, colonel. Joseph Shippen, lieutenant-colonel and brigade-major. Asher Clayton, major. John Philip DeHaas, major. Samuel Grubb, captain.

Samuel Atlee, " John Hambright, " Richard Gardner, " William Johnston, " Thomas Price, " John Byers, " Ludwick Stone, " John Singleton, " Caleb Gradon, " Samuel Hunter, " Robert Boyd, " Samuel Lindsay, " William Ewing, lieutenant and adjutant. James Ewing, lieutenant and adjutant. Henry Geiger, lieutenant. David McClay, " Frederick Van Hambach, lieutenant. William Reynolds, lieutenant. Alexander McKee, " Henry Haller, " Adam Boyd, " Samuel Scott, " John Foster, " William McClay, "

James Barnbridge, " John Conrad Bucher, " Robert Lowry, ensign. Blatchford Duffield, " John Brisbane, " Richard Hudson, " Memucan Hughes, " James Dorough, " Martin Heidler, " Evan Shelby, " James Young, paymaster. Peter Bard, commissary of stores. James Read, judge advocate.

Rev. Thomas Barton, chaplain. Rev. Alexander McDowell, " Rev. Charles Beatty, " Rev. John Steel, " Rev. Hector Allison, " The last-named five were all Presbyterian clergymen.


History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Everts and Peck, 1883.